Enriching Australian mines...
Service Specialisations
Mikula Geotechnics primary geotechnical interests are:
Australian underground hard rock mining
Challenging conditions involving high stress, seismicity and squeezing ground
Ground control hardware, testing, and performance
Geotechnical Capability Statement
The vision of Mikula Geotechnics is to pass on practical knowledge related to geotechnical issues in mines. We offers the following services for underground mines:
Mentoring of site Geotechnical Engineers. This aims to assist, focus and direct engineers to enhance value-adding work, provide appropriate services, implement robust procedures, and operate within relevant standards and regulations.
Phone / email / visit support. Telephone & email technical advice to the site geotechnical engineers is available as a help-desk for the duration of the assignment.
Audits. Underground geotechnical audits can be conducted for operating mines.
Review of Ground Control Management Plan. The GCMP can be specifically reviewed and compared against site standards and legislated regulations/codes.
Projects. Project packages related to areas of expertise (particularly seismicity and ground support) can be undertaken.
R&D. R&D criteria for ATO tax purposes are wider than usually appreciated. There is great benefit in trialling new ways of solving mining issues, and practical R&D applications can often be identified.